YǓNIVERSE is a high-end fashion brand created by Yuqi (Crystal) Zhang, that combines fashion and fine art to give life in stasis a path to metamorphosis. She brings her unique aesthetics when creating garments and makes them become one of the kind wearable art with her imagination and textile manipulation.


Confidence in bloom

Confidence in Bloom is a fashion collection that celebrates individuality and its beauty and power. Inspired by the unique beauty of each flower in nature, the collection recognizes that every person has unique qualities that make them special.This collection is designed to encourage and empower each individual to embrace their own unique qualities, and to confidently show them to the world. From the delicate floral embroidery to 3D texture, the collection features a blend of inspiration from ancient Chinese decorative arts and designer’s unique aesthetic. The use of white, a symbol of purity and new beginnings in Chinese culture, encourages individuals to embrace their individuality and confidently showcase their unique qualities.


I draw inspiration from great mother nature, from the delicate seed sprouts to the withering flower, from the budding leaves to towering trees, from the silkworm in swaddling to emerging butterflies. The fleeting seasons are portrayed on the garments with my vision of metamorphosis. I envision each of my pieces as a work of art which seeks to flesh out the details of a painting. With textile manipulation and combining various media such as bio-fabric, oil painting, and branches, the meaning of garments are already beyond daily bases. Instead, they become a medium through which the audience listens to my inner world.

Leaning back on the couch
Looking the dappled rays of shimmering light through the layers of plants.
Following it through Monet’s garden 
The girl in Renoir’s painting smiles brightly and waves
We pass through Cézanne’s wood
Dancing under Van Gogh’s moonlit night
I closed my eyes
The flutter of heart and soul intertwine and entwine in the universe
In the moment
In one thought
Fallen leaves are fleeting
Spring flowers are blooming
It’s an illusory reality
It’s a lucid dream
It's gorgeous but unattainable eternity